Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kill the noobs!

I hate nooby people! They are sooo stupid. In fact, most of the teachers at my school are noobs. IHATENOOBS!


Sorry I haven't been blogging lately! I've been going on your blogs instead! So anyways, Mr. Rich, in first grade, my friend Robert had an asthma attack. Mr. Rich told him not to bother him!!! So unfair. Also, I got in trouble for sitting at the planterbox to eat. A teacher warned me. So I went to the snack tables to eat, and sat at a circular table. This area was recently banned, and I got in HUGE trouble! My demerit claimed that my teacher told me twice, but she told me once to get off the planterbox, and once to get off the circular tables! My mom refused to accept the demerit. GO MOM!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We Lied!

Kristiana was forgiven by Jack! Now he doesn't suck big time. Unfortunately, we couldn't change the website name, but we changed the blog name to Big Butt Blog! Sorry about the 'mature content,' but we just had to!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010


I do not believe that Obama is doing a good job of leading our country. He hasn't done ANYTHING about health care, Haiti is still in trouble, and people are still suffering from job loss. Our president is slacking off like some stupid teenager! He needs to get up off of his big, fat, lazy butt and start leading our country! I can think of thousands of ways that we can get food and water to Haiti! Why doesn't Obama think of these possibilities? It's great that we have a black president, but he isn't doing a good job of leading our country!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

My lovely followers!

So far, I have 4 followers: Sarah, Arya, Susan, and Gabby! Keep blogging!

New Followers!

Hey, Sarah, Annie, Susan, and Sam! Tell EVERYONE!!!